100 % Guaranteed FREE Offer
You have nothing to Lose.

That’s right, after 14½ years and thousands of students,
we know what it takes to motivate, inspire and bring out
the absolute best in your child.

Don’t take our word for it; listen to what others have said about our exciting After-school Martial arts Program!





We’ll pickup your child up from school and bring him to our structured environment where he will enjoy a full schedule of activities.  Some of these activities include:

Martial Art Training – this program not only teaches your child how to defend himself against bullies, but also greatly improves his focus and concentration.  Your child is challenged to be their best in all aspects of life.     

Physical Fitness – studies show that over 50% of our youth are overweight.  Also, children as young as 10 years old are developing diseases that were once only seen in adults!  Knowing this, we’ve structured a fitness program that will give your child a good cardio workout, strength training and flexibility training.

School Safe/Street Safe Program – teaches your child the ABC’s of avoiding a predator both in school and in the street.  Predator’s have certain techniques they use to lure children.  Some of these include offering them candy and toys, as well as playing on their emotions and love for animals.  Your child will participate in role playing that will help teach them how to avoid becoming a victim.

Anger Management/Conflict Resolution – your child is taught how to peacefully resolve conflict as well as how to control their emotions.  Through role playing, they will participate in scenarios that stress the importance of being in control of ones’ temper by utilizing proper reasoning skills.  This program is truly worth its weight in gold in that is teaches the value of peace.

Academic Achievement Program –challenges and rewards your child for their academic excellence.  All achievers are highlighted on our colorful display as well as on our website.  At the end of the year, your child will participate in our “Awards Ceremony” where they are spotlighted for their accomplishments.

Homework Allotment Hour – each day your child will have an allotment time  to work on their assignments.  This hour is what we call focus time!  There’s absolutely no talking aloud during this period as your child is encouraged to study hard.

 Note:  This is not your traditional daycare program! 

To learn more about our school. Click here.

All of this for less than $5 an hour!

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is my child learning the value of discipline and self-confidence, as well as fostering an “I Can” attitude in the program he/she is in?
  1. Is my child participating in a structured physical fitness/martial arts program to keep him in shape as well as defend himself?
  1. Is my child benefiting from a designated homework hour where he sits quietly and focuses on his work?
  1. Are there positive male and female role models there to reinforce his strengths and help him overcome certain challenges?
  1. Is my child recognized and rewarded for his academic achievements?


If you answered “No” to any of these questions, you owe it to yourself and your child to try our program!

Our program gets results!

Last year over 80% of our students made the honor roll!

Don’t take our word for it; listen:

Take the next step! Call us and schedule a tour to see how we’re making a difference!


Register online and we’ll even waive your registration fee. ($50 savings!)

For a free report on “101 Ways To Praise Your Child”, fill in your name and email address in the box.

Yes, send my free report:



Listed below are the schools we currently service:

- Glenn Dale Schools     - Capitol Heights Schools
- Gaywood Elementary   - N. Forestville Elementary
- Glenn Dale Elementary   - John Bayne Elementary
- Seabrook Elementary   - Oakcrest Elementary
- Woodmore Elementary   - Kingsford Elementary
- James McHenry Elementary   - Perrywood Elementary
- Magnolia Elementary   - Arrowhead Elementary
- Robert Goddard Elementary   - Cora Rice Elementary
- C.T. Reed Elementary   - William Paca Elementary
- Lamont Elementary   - Highland Park Elementary
- Rockledege Elementary   - P.E. Williams Elementary
- Francis Scott Key Elementary   - Longfield Elementary

Join us NOW and give your child an
experience that will last a lifetime!

Remember, the future belongs to those who prepare for it today!

Copyright © 2006 Martial Arts. All rights reserved.